Jul 2020

After the explosion of a first bomb on the night of 30th July 2020, in the Tsinga neighbourhood of Yaoundé, the explosion of two explosive devices, on the night of 20th to 21st June 2020 in the Melen and Emana neighbourhoods, the capital of our country was again shaken, in the evening of Thursday 2nd July 2020, at a place called “Rond-Point Damas”, by the explosion of a home-made bomb which would have left at least four injured.

For the moment, no official information has been given by the Government on their authors. Without prejudice, the CRM unequivocally condemns these acts which seriously endanger the lives of peaceful citizens. The party wishes the victims a speedy recovery and sends its message of comfort to their families.

The CRM is indignant at the silence of the government in power on these worrying events that have occurred repeatedly in the capital.

This succession of explosions in the city of Yaoundé is currently giving rise to massive police raids during which various abuses are committed, including the extortion of money from citizens, and the perpetration of acts of violation of human rights.

The CRM calls on the security authorities to make every effort to find the right balance between the need to guarantee public security and the obligation to preserve the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Yaoundé on 5th July 2020
The National President
Maurice KAMTO